Sunday, March 29, 2009
Entertaining Myself During March Madness

Thursday, March 26, 2009
[IF] |
If you can keep your head when all about you |
FASHION: Tory Burch Affordable Find
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
FASHION: Wedding Season is Upon Us

It's a Laundry by Shelli Segal Strapless Charmeuse Gown with a jeweled goldtone brooch. It's bright, girly, flowing and I think it's perfect for a day or night wedding. I wouldn't need a lot of jewlery; just a nice pair of earrings and some gold shoes. Now I just need to come up with the $345...
On another note, the Common Threads Gala was a blast last night -- I'll be posting about the event later today. A quick teaser: Tyler Florence is GORGEOUS...way more gorgeous in person than on TV!
Monday, March 23, 2009
FOOD: Not So Healthy Salads, Made Healthy

Friday, March 20, 2009
FITNESS: The New Craze
For instance, a person who does the elliptical (which I despise) everyday for 45 minutes, gets off, does 10 dumbbell curls, 10 squats and 2 sets of 50 crunches isn’t getting themselves in any better shape. While they are sustaining and burning calories, the repitiions aren't helping their bodies evolve.
I never do the same workout. Mostly because I’m way too ADD to do the same thing every day, but also because I love trying new things. And, thank god I live in a city where every month there’s a new fitness craze. Enter Bikram, CrossFit and Zumba.
Bikram yoga is practiced in a room heated to 105°F (40.5°C) with a humidity of 40%. Classes are guided by specific dialogue including 26 postures and two breathing exercises. Classes last approximately 90 minutes.

I kid you not when I say you’ll never feel better than the way you feel after Bikram. It tests you’re physical and mental strength, releases all the toxins in your body and is truly a spiritual experience. The only problem is it’s a bit pricy. But, none the less, it’s the perfect thing to do once a week (or every couple weeks) and I recommend it to anyone looking for a workout that rejuvenates them.
CrossFit is the new TAE BO, without Billy Blanks. My sister first told me about it a few months back and of course, I had to try it immediately. She directed me to the CrossFit website: http://www.crossfit.com/, which gives readers and followers daily exercise regimes to follow. Today is a rest day (figures when I write this post it would be), but yesterday’s workout was:
Thursday 090319
Ten rounds for time of:
3 Weighted Pull-ups 45 pounds
Although I haven’t done it daily, there are a few workouts I really like. One in particular is the interval running and squat training. I learned in my college soccer days that interval running is a must. It tests your endurance, boosts your metabolism and brings about the best results. I’ve been doing 20 minutes of 20-second sprint, 5 second rest and it’s definitely hard, but leaves me feeling better than I would after a simple 3 mile jog.
There are also CrossFit studios popping up in big cities. I just found this one in Chicago: http://www.crossfitchicago.com/schedule.php. I’m going to give it a shot and report back at a later date.
Zumba is something offered at my gym (Lincoln Park Athletic Club) that a friend told me about. Zumba fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a dynamic fitness program that helps you achieve long term benefits.
1. I love salsa dancing and 2. I love long term benefits so I’m in! The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. I haven’t it tried it yet (because it’s only offered Friday nights at 6:30 WTF?), but Kristin and I are going to give it a shot tonight!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
S&S: The New Edition
- I've always been an athlete (played Division 1 soccer) and love running, biking, Bikram and any type of workout.
- Although I no longer do Fashion PR, that's where I started and I have a very weak spot for clothes and all types of fashion.
- And last but not least, FOOD. I've always been able to eat a ton (thank god) and love food. I love trying new restaurants, eating different types of food and more recently I've gotten very into cooking.
Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Recent Annoyances
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I'm taking the Mac so I can blog...if I feel like it...which I probably won't. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Healthy and Delicious
Anyway, I got to do some FUN spokesperson research today for one of my clients (whom I will never discuss) on our very own Bethenny Frankel from Real Housewives of NYC. Sidenote: Why does she spell her name like that? It was really annoying to type all day and seeing a constant red line underneath her name drove me bonkers, seriously. Anyway, after reading her blog and stalking her web site, I came across her list of recipes.
Don't they look delicious?! Here's a list of all the things I want to try:
The SkinnyGirl™ Margarita (obviously, although I don't know if my friends will let me drink Tequila again, long story)
Low Fat Fudge Chocolate Chip Muffins
Goat Cheese Sundried Tomato Chicken Breasts (one of my favorites)
Stuffed Portabello Mushrooms (I was recently told that mushrooms are the only other natural source of Vitamin D, besides sunlight. Soooo, naturally, I'm eating them whenever I can)
Roasted Spicy Broccoli (love, love, love spicy)
Comfort Turkey Meatloaf
Healthy Rainbow Shrimp Pasta
Ultra healthy Mexican chili (I already make something very similar)
Mexican Turkey Burger
So now, while I'm watching RHONYC, I can make all of Bethenny's famous, healthy recipes. I'll let you know how they turn out!
More to come,
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Very Thankful
We spent Friday evening shopping on Michigan Avenue and sipping wine and delicious french onion soup at Bistro 110. Then we woke up early Saturday morning and went to Bikram. For being in her fifties, my mom is very fit. She lasted the entire 90 minute class and did every pose -- a few of my friends in their twenties didn't even make it through the entire class. Mom was so good that the teacher came up to us after class and commented on how well she did. I was proud. We then got pedicures, had a delicious lunch and went to the Apple store where I got the best 25th birthday present ever -- my MacBook. Blogosphere, say allow to my new love. New love, meet the blogosphere.
I'm so blessed to have parents that support my dreams (even if their far reaching at times), love me unconditionally no matter what i've done and whom have always put the needs and wants of my sister and I before their own. I remember going through a really difficult breakup and hearing my mom cry on the phone because she felt the pain that I was feeling. I remember my dad flying to Tennessee and then driving hours just to watch my 90 minute soccer game. I may not always tell them enough or show them enough, but I am so thankful and feel that I do have the world's best mom and dad.
Sad the weekend is over, but also looking forward to the return of Scoot -- he went home to Maryland to also have a "Mom's weekend." Happy birthday to momma P. :) It's nice when you're in a relationship to get a little break every now and then to miss one another. It's only been a few days, but I can't wait to see him.
Sunday's are usually rough, especially with the way my work has been, but I couldn't be more excited about my short week -- we're headed to VEGAS on Thursday. I checked the weather report this morning for Vegas and it says high 60's, which isn't ideal, but as long as there's sunshine, i'll be happy.
Not to get to "red" on everyone (my roommate's a constant pollyanna), but take a minute or two today and be thankful for everything you have. Times are hard, but if you have family, friends and people who love you unconditionally, that's really all you need, right?