So sad the weekend’s over. For the past few weeks, I’ve had zero plans and it’s been wonderful. I absolutely love going into my weekend knowing that I don’t have much to do. Yes, there are always things I want to get done, but no set plans, which is nice.
FridayFriday was BEAUTIFUL in Chicago. Sunshine all day AND a Cubbies home game, which always makes the city a bit more drunk…errr I mean fun. After work on Friday, I met a good friend on Southport for some drinks and dinner El Fresco. One of the best things about Chicago is the number of outdoor patios and beer gardens. Since it’s only nice four months of the year, EVERYONE lives outside, meaning every restaurant caters to our (Chicagoans) need to not spend one second inside.
We sat down at Southport Lanes & Billiards expecting to enjoy some good bar food and a few cocktails. Little did we know we’d be enjoying the best kind of people watching around – all the stragglers walking back from Wrigley after the game HAMMERED DRUNK. It was magnificent.
We saw:
- A boyfriend/girlfriend argument that ended in the boy literally stomping on his girlfriends phone smashing it into little pieces on the sidewalk while she cried and yelled.
- Two guys who could barely WALK trying to figure out which way was “East.” For any Chicagoan, this is absurd. The lake is East and its very hard to forget. Everyone knows that.
- Old fat men in cubbies muscle shirts circa 1990, women getting way to excited about the warm weather and wearing short cut-offs and belly shirts and a few diehard fans dressed head to toe in full uniform, including cleats, the tight pants, pull up socks, the works.
Saturday was even nicer – much warmer and officially the weekend. I woke up to a long run by the lake. I know I say this every post, but there's nothing better than running by the lakefront. It’s breathtaking and continually reminds me why I live in this amazing city.
Then I had some shopping to do – all in one week I have mom’s bday, sis’ bday and mother’s day. Shoot me now. And, surprise, surprise, they want clothes. So, I walked around Lincoln Park and found some cute things for mom and sis.
My teeny tiny mom wanted a skirt to go over her “bikini.” Yes, my mom’s still running every day and has a 27” waist – has always been like that. What can I say, good genes.
Thank you Gap Body:

Sis, wanted to be equally difficult and requested a pair of pants. I was all “let me just get you a gift card and you can get your own pants.” But no, she wanted me to pick them out. I found these coral cuffed skinny jeans and was instantly in love (for myself and also as a potential bday gift for her):

Gave sis a call but she didn’t want them so I picked up a pair for myself and went on my way.
Saturday night me, my burn from the surprisingly warm weather and my coral pants got ready in a whole new kinda way. You know that excitement you feel when it’s finally warm out and you actually WANT to leave the house, have a couple cocktails, get a little crazy. I love that feeling.
Scoot and I went to Adesso (my favorite BYOB) with our good friends Carrie and Jackson for some wonderful Italian food and two bottles of wine. Thank GOD the coral jeans are stretch – I definitely had a four-course meal.
Sunday is for sleeping in, a large brunch and a mix of laziness and productivity. And, I did just that. We woke up to rain and, although I’d usually be upset, I couldn’t complain after two days of glorious sunshine.
Annoying thing was Scoot and I tried to go to brunch at Southport Grocery AND Wishbone and both were PACKED. So, we ended up grabbing Einstein’s to go and picking up “The Reader" at Blockbuster. Now, I’m not much of a movie critic, but this movie was crazy weird. There was so much sex that Scoot and I felt awkward watching it. Anyway, in the end it was an OK movie, but I wouldn't necessarily go on recommending it.
For the rest of the day I did laundry, relaxed, ate myself into oblivion and watched countless hours of television. Enter Miss USA competition. We only watched about 20 minutes, BUT OMG. Where do these girls come from? Scoot and I sat and critiqued each one of them while Red yelled at us. I had a very good defense for being so finicky about their stomachs, broad shoulders, wide hips, etc. – THEY’RE PARADING AROUND IN BIKINIS ON NATIONAL TELEVISION BEING JUDGED BY CHOICE, I THINK I CAN ADD IN MY TWO CENTS IN THE COMFORT OF MY OWN HOME. Best part of the competition, the girls’ interests. Here are a few of our favorites: archery, playing the fiddle and my favorite, online shopping.
Happy Sunday all – have a wonderful week!