Sunday, July 12, 2009
Let Wedding Season Begin
Monday, June 22, 2009
"You are your Father's daughter"
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Please Excuse My Laziness
- Worked on my tan
- Bummed around Chicago street festivals
- Spent sunny days drinking and playing soccer in the park with friends
- Cleaned out my closet (yes, you read that right)
- Traveled to Cleveland
- Hugged my mom, dad and sister tight
- Survived my sister's bridal shower (wayyyyy too many women in one location)
- Visited with my favorites from high school
- Slept, read and ran...a lot
- Contemplated life with Scoot and...
- Last but not least, TURNED 25
As my dad would say, "A QUARTER OF A CENTURY." And....I feel no different. However, I did get a nice bday treat: a vacation back home to attend my sister's bridal shower (which was on my birthday...I will get her back someday) and celebrate with my family, whom I don't see enough.
The 5-day weekend was filled with long, delicious dinners, runs with my mom and sister and workouts with my dad, shopping and showering (bridal that is) while the boys golfed, pool time at the country club, manis/pedis, haircuts and lots (of much needed) R&R. It's always SO NICE to go home.
Here are some pics from my fabulous flee to the cleve:

If you can't have a real Rebecca Minkoff, why not get the "cake" version...
The beautiful bride to be at her shower...

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Sticking My Nose in Other People's Business
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Peace and Quiet

Last weekend we took our annual BD reunion trip to the Lakehouse. We've been going every year now for awhile. For some reason we always go around Cynco de Mayo. I don't know why. I guess it's a good excuse for bottomless margaritas, all you can eat tacos and usually too much sun (I'm still peeling).
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Here’s to you, Mom

As I get older, I’m realizing that it’d be impossible for my mom to love one of us more than the other. Hate me if you want, but I had (and have) the type of parents who put all of my sister and my needs before their own. I won’t go into detail on the woes of how they ate spaghetti and tuna every night to put my dad through law school, but it’s true they’re the most selfless people I know.
I remember going through my “dark stage” in middle school (you know the Jenko, Airwalk phase) and my mom wasn’t thrilled about it, but she never judged me. She’d let me wear my big, baggy, black Jenkos if I wanted, but she would make me wear a Limited shirt with them. Compromise she’d say.
I remember how fuming mad she’d be after soccer games when I was little and the coach wouldn’t play me. BUT, she was never one of those moms to walk up and embarrass me by screaming at the coach – she wouldn’t put me through it.
I remember my mom working 12-14 hour days and then driving miles just to take me to gymnastics practice or soccer an hour and a half away. We didn’t have very many dinners at home, but she always made sure that we were doing everything we wanted to do -- ballet, soccer, softball, swimming, you get the drift.
But the thing that sticks out most from when I was young is that my mom always trusted me. She never read my notes that she found in my pockets when doing the laundry. She never read my diary. She never listened in on my phone conversations or checked on me in the basement when I had a boy over. She trusted me and because of that, I trusted her. I told her things and confided in her.
In college my best friend Emmy used to make fun of me for missing my mom so much. I actually used to drunk dial my mom. Some call their high school friends, or a crush, I drunk dial my mom. But, regardless of how many natty lights I’d downed, my mom loved to hear from me and listened to my gibberish for as long as I went on.
I remember going through a very, very hard time in my life and I remember my mom being there in the middle of the night, early in the morning, whenever I needed her. I remember her crying with me on the phone because she truly felt every little inch of pain that I felt. I remember her telling me that it would get better, and it did. But most of all I remember that I would have never gotten through it all if it weren’t for her.
My senior year my mom came to North Carolina from Ohio for 8 home games. Whether she flew in for just the night or drove 8 hours, she was there, for as many games as she could be. My mom loved watching me play soccer and even though she’d frustrate me at times by saying things like “couldn’t you have kicked the ball just a little harder,” or something along those lines, I knew she was my biggest fan.
And even now, in my professional life, there’s no one I depend on more than my mom (and dad). She’s the businesswoman who can do it all – she’d work all day, but never miss an important meet, game or race. She instilled in my sister and me the importance of hard work, but always let us have fun. She’s responsible for the successes I’ve experienced in school and in my professional life. She is and always will be my mentor.
So, here’s to you mom. For loving me, accepting me, guiding me and for being the best mom a daughter could ever ask for. I love you and Happy (late) Mother's Day.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Thank GOD for Channing Tatum

“Fighting” is the story of a homeless Manhattan boy (Tatum) who becomes an underground street fighter under the management of a scam artist (Terrence Howard). I don’t care if he’s a dancer (Step Up), soldier (Stop Loss) or street fighter (Fighting), I’M THERE.
Now let me get one thing straight. I’m not that celeb-crazed when it comes to guys. I could go on and on about Britney, Jessica, Lindsey, etc., but celeb guys don’t really do much for me – where’s the drama?! I could care less about Brad, George, Matt, etc.
But my good friend Jill and I will be catching the Channing movie sometime in the next few weeks – she’s equally obsessed and went to see both Step Up and Stop Loss with me.
My obsession with Channing got me thinking though, who are the hottest men in Hollywood? Here are my top three:
2. Mark Wahlberg - Normally not my type, but I'm totally into him. I don't know if it's the bad boy persona or that fact that he produces Entourage and it's based on his life, but I love him.

3. Clive Owen - Some say he looks like Scoot so maybe that's why, but for some reason I find him incredibly attractive.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
From Dad...
Subject: S&S poor excuse for blog about Chicago
My darling daughter,
FYI the Blackhawks (they play in Chicago, right?) are in the Stanley Cup play-offs against Calgary. No other sporting event in the world even comes close to the intensity or excitement of the Cup play-offs. No other sporting venue in Chicago is as exciting as a "Hawks game.
A "Cubbies" game in yuppieville pales in comparison to a Cup game. Saw a guy take a stick to the mouth and lose NINE TEETH the other night and he came back to play the rest of the game. If God came down to Earth to take care of business (see Revelations in the Bible) he would do it after the Cup play-offs were over. If the Hawks are in the finals the Chicago you know today would be indistinguishable from the mayhem (or mishap) of the game finals in Chi-town.
I have labored for almost 25 years to raise you and your sister are the pride and joy of my life...for God's sake take in a Cup play-off game and you can really write about something of note in your blog. It's the least you can do for your gray-haired old man. I'll even split the ticket price with you and Scoot (a price within reason) as an extra B-day gift (along with the computer and the bridesmaid dress you conned your mother into).
Wow, glad I got that off my chest.
Bag the Cubbies crap by the way.
Go "Canes.
I love you,
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunshine, Rain and Miss USA - Weekend Recap
Friday was BEAUTIFUL in Chicago. Sunshine all day AND a Cubbies home game, which always makes the city a bit more drunk…errr I mean fun. After work on Friday, I met a good friend on Southport for some drinks and dinner El Fresco. One of the best things about Chicago is the number of outdoor patios and beer gardens. Since it’s only nice four months of the year, EVERYONE lives outside, meaning every restaurant caters to our (Chicagoans) need to not spend one second inside.
We sat down at Southport Lanes & Billiards expecting to enjoy some good bar food and a few cocktails. Little did we know we’d be enjoying the best kind of people watching around – all the stragglers walking back from Wrigley after the game HAMMERED DRUNK. It was magnificent.
We saw:
- A boyfriend/girlfriend argument that ended in the boy literally stomping on his girlfriends phone smashing it into little pieces on the sidewalk while she cried and yelled.
- Two guys who could barely WALK trying to figure out which way was “East.” For any Chicagoan, this is absurd. The lake is East and its very hard to forget. Everyone knows that.
- Old fat men in cubbies muscle shirts circa 1990, women getting way to excited about the warm weather and wearing short cut-offs and belly shirts and a few diehard fans dressed head to toe in full uniform, including cleats, the tight pants, pull up socks, the works.
Saturday was even nicer – much warmer and officially the weekend. I woke up to a long run by the lake. I know I say this every post, but there's nothing better than running by the lakefront. It’s breathtaking and continually reminds me why I live in this amazing city.
Then I had some shopping to do – all in one week I have mom’s bday, sis’ bday and mother’s day. Shoot me now. And, surprise, surprise, they want clothes. So, I walked around Lincoln Park and found some cute things for mom and sis.
My teeny tiny mom wanted a skirt to go over her “bikini.” Yes, my mom’s still running every day and has a 27” waist – has always been like that. What can I say, good genes.
Thank you Gap Body:
Sis, wanted to be equally difficult and requested a pair of pants. I was all “let me just get you a gift card and you can get your own pants.” But no, she wanted me to pick them out. I found these coral cuffed skinny jeans and was instantly in love (for myself and also as a potential bday gift for her):
Gave sis a call but she didn’t want them so I picked up a pair for myself and went on my way.
Saturday night me, my burn from the surprisingly warm weather and my coral pants got ready in a whole new kinda way. You know that excitement you feel when it’s finally warm out and you actually WANT to leave the house, have a couple cocktails, get a little crazy. I love that feeling.
Scoot and I went to Adesso (my favorite BYOB) with our good friends Carrie and Jackson for some wonderful Italian food and two bottles of wine. Thank GOD the coral jeans are stretch – I definitely had a four-course meal.
Sunday is for sleeping in, a large brunch and a mix of laziness and productivity. And, I did just that. We woke up to rain and, although I’d usually be upset, I couldn’t complain after two days of glorious sunshine.
Annoying thing was Scoot and I tried to go to brunch at Southport Grocery AND Wishbone and both were PACKED. So, we ended up grabbing Einstein’s to go and picking up “The Reader" at Blockbuster. Now, I’m not much of a movie critic, but this movie was crazy weird. There was so much sex that Scoot and I felt awkward watching it. Anyway, in the end it was an OK movie, but I wouldn't necessarily go on recommending it.
For the rest of the day I did laundry, relaxed, ate myself into oblivion and watched countless hours of television. Enter Miss USA competition. We only watched about 20 minutes, BUT OMG. Where do these girls come from? Scoot and I sat and critiqued each one of them while Red yelled at us. I had a very good defense for being so finicky about their stomachs, broad shoulders, wide hips, etc. – THEY’RE PARADING AROUND IN BIKINIS ON NATIONAL TELEVISION BEING JUDGED BY CHOICE, I THINK I CAN ADD IN MY TWO CENTS IN THE COMFORT OF MY OWN HOME. Best part of the competition, the girls’ interests. Here are a few of our favorites: archery, playing the fiddle and my favorite, online shopping.
Happy Sunday all – have a wonderful week!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My Love for Real Housewives...
Four different cities, many very different - yet all crazy - women, but one me, glued to the TV every Tuesday night. I can't help it. I know it's trashy TV, but it's like a car wreck for me, I can't look away.
I've always ranked them:
1. Orange County (you'll never find another Vicki)
2. New York (gotta love the Jill/Bethenny duo)
3. Atlanta (don't tivo this one, but if it's on, I'll watch)
When I saw the previews for New Jersey, I was all COME ON, CAN WE GET A LITTLE MIDWEST LOVE?! I totally thought New Jersey would be a more trashy version of New York (it's the armpit of America, right?!). But, no, Bravo you did me proud yet again with these lovely ladies:

Anyway, back to New Jersey. Did anyone catch the little taste that Bravo gave us the Tuesday before last? These women are unreal! The accents, the houses, the cars, the "blood is thicker than water" in my family deal. I can't believe all of them are related - it's the perfect real life sopranos - construction company, loaded, huge Italian family.
Friday, April 10, 2009
No Plans = Bliss

I hope your Easter weekend is as wonderful as mine's looking to be.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Jean Dilemma

Monday, April 6, 2009
Red's Ways to Save
Whether its getting your haircut at the Aveda School for $15 or bringing your lunch to work everyday- we're all trying to save a couple bucks here and there. Times are tough which brings me to my guest post topic: COUPONS!
I've recently found a neat site on facebook called Groupon. Similar to - this website sends you a daily e-mail advertising deals for local bars and restaurants. It just so happens that they sent me one for a bar in my work building - spend $10 and we'll give you a $20 coupon. I was like, "This is great!" I immediately told all my friends at work and we used it Friday night for happy hour drinks and appetizers. Check it out- I definitely recommend it.
Another way to save some cash is at the grocery store which is by far my absolute favorite way to save money. I save an average $30 every Sunday. How you ask? Cutting coupons! Yup- it's so simple and makes grocery shopping that much more exciting. We unfortunately don't get the Sunday paper, but good ole trusty Mom sends me a package once a month with mail and you guessed it, coupons! However, I recently found coupons in the weekend editions of the Red Eye and the best part is the Red Eye is free!
Bed, Bath, & Beyond - you can't tell me you don't have a couple of the blue BB&B coupons laying around your house right now. They are always in your mailbox and seem to pop up everywhere. I bet you didn't know they never expire- yup, that's right- you can use these guys whenever you want. And get this- if you have a Linens & Things still (they recently went out of business) they will honor your BB&B coupons there too!
Happy Savings!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
If I had more time, I would...
Let me be clear, this isn’t my “wish list,” i.e. sky dive, travel the world, write a book, etc. Just a list for now. A list to keep track of these things so I can begin to cross them off my list. The weather’s getting nicer, my spirits are lifting and I’m going to give it a shot.
- Learn how to play tennis and golf. These are two sports that I will be able to play well into my 60’s, so why not learn how now. I think I’ll start with tennis first; I get way too ADD during golf.
- Learn how to knit (The Friday Night Knitting Club really got me excited). All I need to do is buy a how-to book and BAM, I’m making my own scarves and sweaters (indirectly helping me save on Christmas gifts for the grandparents…always thinking).
- Take a dance class – ballroom, ballet, salsa, I’d like to take them all. But, I think I’ll start with Zumba – a cardio class that includes Latin dance choreography and see where I go from there.
- Get back on a soccer team. I can actually CHECK this one off the list – I got back on my team yesterday and will play this spring season. DONE.
- Coach again. I coached a little girls team my senior year in college, but haven’t since. Scoot is inspiring me by coaching AAU bball and I def need to “give back to the sport that gave me so much,” as my Dad would say.
- Go to more Bikram classes. Bikram is 90 minutes long. It is really hard to find 90 minutes in my day. But, this is no excuse, especially on the weekends. It makes me feel amazing and I need to go more.
- Blog. If I had more time in the day, I’d dedicate more time to blogging. I write so much at work that I admit, S&S usually takes the back seat. I’m going to try and fix that, starting now.
- Train and compete in a triathlon. This comes pretty close to my “wish list,” but it’s something I’ve been thinking more about and something I think I can do. A handful of my friends have done or are signed up to do a marathon. A marathon’s just not for me – I like running, but not 26.2 miles and I just don’t have the desire. I reward those who do it, but it’s not in the cards for me. Running, biking and swimming just sounds more appetizing. I’m not setting this goal yet, but am looking into it.
- Meet and catch up with friends I don't see often. I have so many great friends in Chicago: people I used to work with, live with, friends from high school, etc. and I never really see them. We all say “we’re just too busy.” It’s time to stop using that excuse and get together with these friends because I do WANT to see them and always have a wonderful time when I do.
- Spend more time alone; doing things I want to do but never have the time to: organize my photo albums, read every fashion/health/beauty magazine, sit in the steam room at LPAC for longer than 5 minutes, go on a solo shopping spree, update my iPod, sit in a coffee shop for hours reading, think and just be.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
FOOD: Healthy AND Easy Turkey Taco Salad
So, on Monday night after the gym, when I had a ton of leaft over pasta and sauce (but didn't want to eat it because I wanted something light and healthy), I decided to make a turkey taco salad. I should say Scoot and I decided to make a turkey taco salad, because he did half the work.
-Romaine Lettuce
-Cherry Tomatoes
-Black Beans
-Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese
-99% Fat Free Ground Turkey
-Taco Seasoning (30% less sodium)
-Non Fat Sour Cream
It's pretty self explanatory. Fill two bowls with lettuce, add tomatoes, onions, beans and corn. Cook ground turkey and add water and taco seasoning. Add meat to the salad and top with salsa, reduced fat cheese, non-fat sour cream and a few sliced avocados. If you want to add a dressing, leave a little bit of the taco seasoning and mix with non-fat ranch for a mexi-ranch taste.
This salad has barely any fat and is delicious! After Scoot was done, he filled his bowl with corn chips, threw on the leftover meat and cheese and voila - nachos for dessert!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Entertaining Myself During March Madness

Thursday, March 26, 2009
[IF] |
If you can keep your head when all about you |
FASHION: Tory Burch Affordable Find
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
FASHION: Wedding Season is Upon Us

It's a Laundry by Shelli Segal Strapless Charmeuse Gown with a jeweled goldtone brooch. It's bright, girly, flowing and I think it's perfect for a day or night wedding. I wouldn't need a lot of jewlery; just a nice pair of earrings and some gold shoes. Now I just need to come up with the $345...
On another note, the Common Threads Gala was a blast last night -- I'll be posting about the event later today. A quick teaser: Tyler Florence is GORGEOUS...way more gorgeous in person than on TV!
Monday, March 23, 2009
FOOD: Not So Healthy Salads, Made Healthy

Friday, March 20, 2009
FITNESS: The New Craze
For instance, a person who does the elliptical (which I despise) everyday for 45 minutes, gets off, does 10 dumbbell curls, 10 squats and 2 sets of 50 crunches isn’t getting themselves in any better shape. While they are sustaining and burning calories, the repitiions aren't helping their bodies evolve.
I never do the same workout. Mostly because I’m way too ADD to do the same thing every day, but also because I love trying new things. And, thank god I live in a city where every month there’s a new fitness craze. Enter Bikram, CrossFit and Zumba.
Bikram yoga is practiced in a room heated to 105°F (40.5°C) with a humidity of 40%. Classes are guided by specific dialogue including 26 postures and two breathing exercises. Classes last approximately 90 minutes.

I kid you not when I say you’ll never feel better than the way you feel after Bikram. It tests you’re physical and mental strength, releases all the toxins in your body and is truly a spiritual experience. The only problem is it’s a bit pricy. But, none the less, it’s the perfect thing to do once a week (or every couple weeks) and I recommend it to anyone looking for a workout that rejuvenates them.
CrossFit is the new TAE BO, without Billy Blanks. My sister first told me about it a few months back and of course, I had to try it immediately. She directed me to the CrossFit website:, which gives readers and followers daily exercise regimes to follow. Today is a rest day (figures when I write this post it would be), but yesterday’s workout was:
Thursday 090319
Ten rounds for time of:
3 Weighted Pull-ups 45 pounds
Although I haven’t done it daily, there are a few workouts I really like. One in particular is the interval running and squat training. I learned in my college soccer days that interval running is a must. It tests your endurance, boosts your metabolism and brings about the best results. I’ve been doing 20 minutes of 20-second sprint, 5 second rest and it’s definitely hard, but leaves me feeling better than I would after a simple 3 mile jog.
There are also CrossFit studios popping up in big cities. I just found this one in Chicago: I’m going to give it a shot and report back at a later date.
Zumba is something offered at my gym (Lincoln Park Athletic Club) that a friend told me about. Zumba fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a dynamic fitness program that helps you achieve long term benefits.
1. I love salsa dancing and 2. I love long term benefits so I’m in! The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. I haven’t it tried it yet (because it’s only offered Friday nights at 6:30 WTF?), but Kristin and I are going to give it a shot tonight!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
S&S: The New Edition
- I've always been an athlete (played Division 1 soccer) and love running, biking, Bikram and any type of workout.
- Although I no longer do Fashion PR, that's where I started and I have a very weak spot for clothes and all types of fashion.
- And last but not least, FOOD. I've always been able to eat a ton (thank god) and love food. I love trying new restaurants, eating different types of food and more recently I've gotten very into cooking.
Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Recent Annoyances
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I'm taking the Mac so I can blog...if I feel like it...which I probably won't. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Healthy and Delicious
Anyway, I got to do some FUN spokesperson research today for one of my clients (whom I will never discuss) on our very own Bethenny Frankel from Real Housewives of NYC. Sidenote: Why does she spell her name like that? It was really annoying to type all day and seeing a constant red line underneath her name drove me bonkers, seriously. Anyway, after reading her blog and stalking her web site, I came across her list of recipes.
Don't they look delicious?! Here's a list of all the things I want to try:
The SkinnyGirl™ Margarita (obviously, although I don't know if my friends will let me drink Tequila again, long story)
Low Fat Fudge Chocolate Chip Muffins
Goat Cheese Sundried Tomato Chicken Breasts (one of my favorites)
Stuffed Portabello Mushrooms (I was recently told that mushrooms are the only other natural source of Vitamin D, besides sunlight. Soooo, naturally, I'm eating them whenever I can)
Roasted Spicy Broccoli (love, love, love spicy)
Comfort Turkey Meatloaf
Healthy Rainbow Shrimp Pasta
Ultra healthy Mexican chili (I already make something very similar)
Mexican Turkey Burger
So now, while I'm watching RHONYC, I can make all of Bethenny's famous, healthy recipes. I'll let you know how they turn out!
More to come,
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Very Thankful
We spent Friday evening shopping on Michigan Avenue and sipping wine and delicious french onion soup at Bistro 110. Then we woke up early Saturday morning and went to Bikram. For being in her fifties, my mom is very fit. She lasted the entire 90 minute class and did every pose -- a few of my friends in their twenties didn't even make it through the entire class. Mom was so good that the teacher came up to us after class and commented on how well she did. I was proud. We then got pedicures, had a delicious lunch and went to the Apple store where I got the best 25th birthday present ever -- my MacBook. Blogosphere, say allow to my new love. New love, meet the blogosphere.
I'm so blessed to have parents that support my dreams (even if their far reaching at times), love me unconditionally no matter what i've done and whom have always put the needs and wants of my sister and I before their own. I remember going through a really difficult breakup and hearing my mom cry on the phone because she felt the pain that I was feeling. I remember my dad flying to Tennessee and then driving hours just to watch my 90 minute soccer game. I may not always tell them enough or show them enough, but I am so thankful and feel that I do have the world's best mom and dad.
Sad the weekend is over, but also looking forward to the return of Scoot -- he went home to Maryland to also have a "Mom's weekend." Happy birthday to momma P. :) It's nice when you're in a relationship to get a little break every now and then to miss one another. It's only been a few days, but I can't wait to see him.
Sunday's are usually rough, especially with the way my work has been, but I couldn't be more excited about my short week -- we're headed to VEGAS on Thursday. I checked the weather report this morning for Vegas and it says high 60's, which isn't ideal, but as long as there's sunshine, i'll be happy.
Not to get to "red" on everyone (my roommate's a constant pollyanna), but take a minute or two today and be thankful for everything you have. Times are hard, but if you have family, friends and people who love you unconditionally, that's really all you need, right?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
To Keep or Not to Keep? That is the question.
So, I woke up around 8 yesterday, went to two classes at the gym (i'm hella sore today), grocery shopped, got Scoot's birthday present (the big 25 is on Fri), cleaned, did 3 loads of laundry and, after all that, it was only 2pm. I couldn't believe it. So, because I had been so productive, I decided to treat my self to a little retail therapy. But, since I have no money and am saving up for a trip to Vegas in a few weeks, I told myself I could only go to one store -- Nordstrom.
And, within 15 minutes, I had gotten these BCBG pumps:
Even though it was love at first site, I'm still kind of undecided on them. I had on black leggings when trying them on and they looked super cute. And I was also thinking about a dress I want to wear Friday (which they'd look great with) and a few outfits that they'd be perfect with in Vegas.
BUT, here's the thing...what can you wear them with besides solid colors? You can't put these on with a patterned shirt or even a pink or yellow shirt for that matter. But, they'd look so great with black tights at work, or black shorts or a black dress this summer. AND, above all that they were actually comfortable (i'm not lying, I swear).
But, I'm still undecided, what do you think? Should I keep?
p.s. RHOC finale tonight -- i can't wait! And the premiere of RHNYC, which isn't as good as OC, but still entertaining.
Friday, February 13, 2009
It's the little things...

I follow most women on my feelings for flowers – I LOVE THEM. I know they are expensive, and only last a week and blah, blah, blah. But they make me feel so DAMN GOOD and they’re so pretty to look at and I just ugh, get the giddy, exciting, butterfly feeling when I see them.
So, even though it’s not Valentine’s Day yet, I’m happy. I could now pass on the dinner and the card and whatever else is coming. I hope you all get to feel the same butterfly/giddy/joyful feelings that I’m feeling this Valentine’s Day.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Shredding the Nar
I love this video and will hold on to hit for as long as I possibly can for a few reasons:
1. It's hilarious...I always find any video (or real live shot) of someone biting it hilarious.
2. Scoot is the most athletic person I know and it's classic to see him suck at something. I got enjoyment out of it the entire day. He beats me at everything (except scrabble and the radio game might I note), so being able to snowboard better than him gives me true joy.
3. After the first spill he gets right back up, smiles right into the camera and then BAM he's on his ass rolling sideways down the hill. It's fantastic.
Ok, enough. I'll pay for this post in some shape or form tonight. Must be tough, Scoot, we've finally found SOMETHING you're not good at!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I Couldn't Resist
1. There is nothing in my life more important than my family.
2. I can eat A LOT. Probably more than you would think when looking at me and I absolutely LOVE fast food. I think anyone that says they don’t like McDonalds is LYING (and un-American) and my mouth waters every time I think about a Bojangles biscuit.
3. I’d like to write a book someday and I’m hoping it’s some sort of mix between Jennifer Weiner and Stephanie Myer.
4. My parents have the most amazing relationship. I hope and pray that I’ll have exactly the type of marriage they do.
5. I’m extremely hyper (at times) and this thoroughly annoys my sister. She used to say to my mom “can’t you give her something.” My family thinks I have ADD/ADHD, but was never properly diagnosed.
6. My friends say I’m gaudy. I admit, I love wearing gold jewelry – lots of it.
7. I feel very, very blessed to have met Scoot at such a young age. We’ve been through a lot, but we went through it together and we couldn’t be in a better place now. He’s my best friend, always will be.
8. I’ve lived in North Carolina and in NYC and I can 100% say that Midwesterners are my favorite breed. The girls eat and the guys are actually guys.
9. I have an abnormally big, big toe (thanks dad) and I hate it. It’s really ugly and my friends like to tease me about it because they know it bugs me.
10. My sister’s a genius – I’m dead serious. She got a perfect on the math portion of her SAT, was valedictorian and is now getting her doctorate in biomedical engineering. What the F?
11. I hate making my bed and am convinced that I’ll never be able to make a pretty bed with tucked in sheets and puffed up pillows.
12. I’ve never met anyone I respected or envied more than my teammates, my BD’s. They’re truly the most beautiful women in the world – both inside and out.
13. I started cooking when I moved to Chicago and I’m really enjoying myself. I’d love to take a cooking class someday.
14. I love to workout – running, kickboxing and Bikram are my favorites. It’s a big stress reliever for me and I’m usually a much nicer, happier person afterward. Nothing better than a good sweat.
15. I can’t imagine being a stay at home mom and don’t think I ever will be one. I crave a challenge, love being busy and would never want to depend on anyone else’s income, even if it were my husband’s (my grandma and momma taught me well).
16. I somehow managed to get a 3.8 in college and don’t feel like I really studied much at all.
17. I like clothes, A LOT and I love to dress up. BUT, when I get home I immediately change into my Elon soccer sweats. Once a BD, always a BD.
18. I’d like to open my own boutique one day and my brother biles has been saving up for my little dream. Bless his heart.
19. I actually hate going out and being social. Most people wouldn’t think that because I work in PR, but in all honestly a night club sounds painful to me. A good meal with Scoot and a Law and Order SVU Marathon is my idea of a great night.
20. I’m convinced that every girl wishes they were athletic. I know if I weren’t, I’d wish I were. And, I firmly believe that every girl at Elon wanted to play on our soccer team. Soccer girls are cute – well at least they were at Elon (slap, slap).
21. I only listen to country and rap. Taylor Swift is my current hero and Real Love by Mary J is my anthem.
22. I did gymnastics for many years growing up and can still do a back flip – ask my teammates.
23. I want a dog, really bad and I want to name him Grady, after Grady Sizemore, obviously.
24. I’m from Cleveland and people like to make fun of it, but the truth is its home and I absolutely love it.
25. I want a lot out of life and I don’t think I’m going to be satisfied until I get it all.