Thursday, January 29, 2009
"The Girls Want to Come Out and Play"
I wonder how Don’s gonna react when he sees this episode (it’s like these people forget they’re on national television, I swear).
I have to admit, when I saw shots of Michigan Avenue and a boat tour cruising down the river I got excited – Chicago R-E-P-R-E-S-E-N-T. Gotta have some pride – nothing better than summertime Chi.
Vicki takes her NEW (not new to us) friend Jeana to meet her OLD friends (high school friends) in Chicago – or some suburb of Chicago because they definitely weren’t in city limits. From the first shot of the house Scoot and I were looking at each other like “where the HECK are they?”
Anyway Vicki’s THRILLED to be with her PEOPLE Jeana’s feeling left out and singing “make new friends but keep the old…” and me and Scoots are rolling our eyes and waiting for the alcohol to set in (their alcohol that is).
Of course it only takes a few martinis at dinner and BAM – Vicki’s all over some dude at the bar (her friend’s husband we soon discover) kissing his face and threatening to bring out the “girls”…I’m thinking LORDDDDDDDDDDDDD she’s gonna regret this. But, before we know it Don calls (great timing BRAVO) and Vicki calms down (if that’s even possible for Vicki).
This part of the show truly embarrassed me – it was like watching the Bachelor and having to turn away because I’m literally humiliated for the girls. Who acts like that at the gym? Seriously. Gretchen’s a fit girl – she looks like she spends a fair amount of time in the gym – so why was she acting like each piece of equipment was a horse she was riding? I don’t get it. And, who wears their hair down to the gym (not to mention the makeup). I’ve always hated girls who wear their hair down to workout (or play soccer) – you know it’s hot and sticking to your neck…stop trying to look cute and put it up!
She didn’t know what a punching bag was used for. She had no idea what do to in the pilates room. And she wants to open HER OWN GYM? Gahhhhh. As Aerosmith said, you’re pretty enough that you’ll be fine when Jeff dies (that should now be past tense) – no need to venture into your own business. You’ll be fine just flirting your way through life.
I used to think Shane was hot. Technically he still is, but my attraction to him has gone WAY DOWN. Who talks to their mother like that? Especially in front of friends and family. I was appalled. I don’t care what their psyches are telling them about the way Jeana’s husband treated her, blah blah blah. It’s wrong and for once, Vicki was right on – I wish she would have smacked that boy across the face.
On another note, anyone catch Shane’s girlfriend, Shana? She’s got a booty on her, but I don’t think she spoke once. How cute, Shane and Shana.
I’m refusing to talk about Tamra in this post – it was a lame episode for her. And, who cares about Aerosmith’s trashy daughter’s drinking problem, I don’t.
‘til next time.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Random Thoughts
Things I want to do this weekend:
- See a good movie – maybe Slumdog Millionaire…I’ve heard good things. I still haven’t seen The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Revolutionary Road or Bride Wars (dang, I need to get out more).
- Clean the apartment and do laundry. One of my biggest pet peeves is the salt that comes off our boots and makes our wood floor all chalky. Can’t deal with it.
- Workout at my new gym. Just dropped Lakeshore and joined LPAC. I’m sorry but I can’t belong to a gym that ups my membership without upping their accommodations.
- Go to Bed, Bath and Beyond (I really want a Sonicare Toothbrush)
- Finish my book
- Catch up on sleep, eat good food, go to a Bikram class.
Things I can’t wait for:
- My trip to Vegas with Scoot in March
- Getting my new bathing suit from Victoria’s Secret in the mail
- The pending BD trip to Spacey’s Lakehouse in May
- Work to calm down
- Scoot's bday (i have something in the works)
- The Chicago tundra to melt and warm weather to follow
- My new lap top
- Sis’s bachelorette party and wedding (talk about the party of the century)
- Cub’s season to begin
- Week long trip with some of my favorites to Breckenridge, CO in August (I’ve never been to CO)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
BD Stamp of Approval
And, I thought it’d be nice – before I go into my next RHOC post about Vicki’s spill and Gretchen’s financial woes – to give a shout out to the girls whom I can’t live without, my BD’s.
Although I don't see them (aside from my lovely Red) all but once a year - twice if we're lucky - they're part of decisions I make everyday, including my decision to start this blog.
Not that I’m a wuss, but entering the blogosphere is a bit scary and definitely had me fearing rejection. What if no one reads my blog? Or, even worse, what if my friends and family don’t even read my blog?
But, with the BD’s, I knew I didn’t have much to worry about. They know me (probably better than anyone) and they get me – always have. S&S has become an ongoing topic in our email chains – “when are you posting again?” and “OMG, I thought the same thing about Lynn from RHOC (dead ringer for Steven Tyler).” I didn’t think it was possible, but I’m glad this silly blog is bringing us even closer together and I’m glad that all of you get to be a part of my everyday thoughts.
So to emmy, gil, kerry, lace, red, moni and our other teammate…the one who plays defense (right, Les?), I love you girls. More than you’ll ever know. I’m so glad you’re enjoying S&S as much as I am. Thank you for your excitement, encouragement and never-ending support – it’s all I’ve ever needed. As emmy once said, you’re my insides.
Yours Truly,
V, Gines, Hina, Hines...S&S

Monday, January 19, 2009
Here Comes the Bride
2. Find bridesmaids dresses (which is absolutely miz because 99% of them are heinous)
I'm happy to report that we checked off both to do's and spent the rest of the weekend eating and shopping (as previously noted, these are two of my FAV things).
The dress wasn't that easy though. Sis was set on having a very plain wedding dress - no lace, no sequins, no ribbon, nothing. You'd think it'd be easy to find. Nope, every dress shop is filled with very fancy, very BIG and (in my opinion) very ugly dresses. After trying on 20+ dresses (at shops in Cleveland and in Chicago), I finally forced sis to try on a dress that had a touch of lace and a hint of detail. After a zip and a tug, we knew we had finally found THE ONE. THANK YOU Weddings 826, I will not have to visit another wedding store again (anytime soon at least).
Here's a pic (praying my future brother in law doesn't decide today's the day to begin reading my blog):

All in all, it was a great weekend and made me really appreciate family - both mine and his. I'm glad my mom got back safe from her worldly travels and thankful my dad can now text message (it's the little things).
To lead into my next post, did anyone see the spill that my girl Vicki took last night on RHOC? I about peed my pants.
Stay tuned.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
NAKED DRUNK (this one's for you, Dad)

DISCLAIMER FOR MEN: You may think this is a show for women, like the Bachelor and the Hills. But, YOU’RE WRONG. Tell ‘em Dad and Scoot – real men like RHOC!
My mom’s the only person I know that doesn’t enjoy watching these – orange-colored, plastic surgery obsessed, vain, catty, annoying (I could go on forever) – women expose their RIDICULOUS lives on national television.
Last night’s episode was one for the books. Tamra (the older, not as hot blonde, who lied and said she was getting a breast reduction last season but really came back with bigger breasts) decided to get Gretchen (the new, hot blonde, who dates the really old guy who’s now deceased – may he RIP) not just drunk, “NAKED DRUNK.”
I know…another reality show star bites the dust…real funny. BUT, let me add that G didn’t just get banged up at any old party, this was an “ETIQUETTE PARTY” (I know, oxy-moron for OC, right?!). Anyway, by the end of the night, my girl was fighting to keep her clothes on and necking (yes, I said it), necking Tamra’s 22 year-old son (which is a mystery to me because I’ve been convinced since day one that Tamra’s son, Ryan, is gay).
Call me lame, but it made my night. With work completely NUTSO right now – and a 4am wake-up call looming – it was a treat to unwind with my girls Tamra, Vicki, Jeana, Gretchen and Aerosmith (I don’t know the newest chick’s name, but she’s a dead ringer for Steven Tyler).
Not to give Bravo a free plug, but tune in next week at 9 because these ladies have landed themselves a weekly post.
‘til next time.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Are you there, Blogosphere? It’s me, S&S
I can’t believe it, I’m finally here. And, even more unbelievable, I FINALLY followed through with a New Year’s resolution. WOW. Feels good, feels real good.
So, I guess I should start by sharing the reasons for why I’ve decided to start this blog…
1. I’m not the best person at keeping in touch. Scratch that, I’m probably one of the worst. I don’t do cards, I hate talking on the phone…the only thing I’m okay at (and I stress the word okay) is email. But, emailing everyone takes time (time that I don’t have)…so I’m hoping this blog makes up for my inability to keep in touch.
2. I like to write. And, I tell myself that I should write more. Not that I don’t write a ton for my job, I do…but, it’s not always the kind of writing I like doing.
3. I love blogs. I love reading blogs – probably read about 20 a day (when works not psychotic) – and I wanted to get in on the fun.
So, with those three reasons, here I am. I’m not quite sure what I’m going to talk about, or where this blog will lead, but I’m hoping that my friends and family will get some sort of enjoyment out of it. And, that it will take me on a new adventure…I need some sort of new adventure as I approach my quarter life crisis (joking, joking)!
With no ideas jumping out at me (here comes the writer’s block), I’ve decided to share some thoughts I’ve had thus far on 2009:
- What is UP with the gym? The past few weeks at the gym have been absolutely MIZ. All these people refuse to workout the other 11 months of the year and then BAM, January comes and everyone’s there, stealing every treadmill, clogging up the locker room…you catch my drift.
- Why do stores like the Gap, J Crew and Banana Republic deem it necessary to bring out their SPRING LINES - bright colored tank tops, sundresses, shorts – in the middle of January?! News flash: THIS IS CHICAGO. Walking down Michigan Avenue in a blizzard and looking in store windows to see flip flops is my definition of depressing. Come on peeps at least wait until the lake unfreezes!
On a more positive note… - I’m IN LOVE with awards season. Although I could give a crap who won best actress, there is nothing better than watching the runway recaps and commenting with my fellow PR girls on who was a hit and who was a miss. I also find it extremely comical to watch the after show on E!. Anyone catch that last night? What was up with John Voight and how many glasses of Black Label did he down?
- My boyfriend – whom I will introduce to the blogosphere as Scoot – and I just booked a trip to Vegas in March. HALLELUJAH! Boy do I need a vacation. Being an ex college basketball player he’s pretty juiced about being able to make sports bets – in Vegas, the kingdom of sports bets – on the brink of March Madness. Me, I can’t wait to sunbathe, shop at the Palazzo and drink free martinis while playing video poker. I know…I’m easy to please.
- My roommate, Red, joined – with a little coaxing from myself – and I must say, I’m really enjoying it. Being in a serious relationship, I live vicariously through her from time to time. Red and I have had some great nights curled up on the couch with a glass of wine, surfing You wouldn’t believe the types of guys that live in this city – who knew?!? Thank god for the “turn-on” section of the profile. Without it we wouldn’t have known that talldarkandfun3 likes body piercings and baysidehi9 is into erotica. It’s a scary world out there girls. Be careful.
That’s all for now.