Are you a fan of the Real Housewives of Orange County? If not, you should be.
DISCLAIMER FOR MEN: You may think this is a show for women, like the Bachelor and the Hills. But, YOU’RE WRONG. Tell ‘em Dad and Scoot – real men like RHOC!
My mom’s the only person I know that doesn’t enjoy watching these – orange-colored, plastic surgery obsessed, vain, catty, annoying (I could go on forever) – women expose their RIDICULOUS lives on national television.
Last night’s episode was one for the books. Tamra (the older, not as hot blonde, who lied and said she was getting a breast reduction last season but really came back with bigger breasts) decided to get Gretchen (the new, hot blonde, who dates the really old guy who’s now deceased – may he RIP) not just drunk, “NAKED DRUNK.”
I know…another reality show star bites the dust…real funny. BUT, let me add that G didn’t just get banged up at any old party, this was an “ETIQUETTE PARTY” (I know, oxy-moron for OC, right?!). Anyway, by the end of the night, my girl was fighting to keep her clothes on and necking (yes, I said it), necking Tamra’s 22 year-old son (which is a mystery to me because I’ve been convinced since day one that Tamra’s son, Ryan, is gay).
Call me lame, but it made my night. With work completely NUTSO right now – and a 4am wake-up call looming – it was a treat to unwind with my girls Tamra, Vicki, Jeana, Gretchen and Aerosmith (I don’t know the newest chick’s name, but she’s a dead ringer for Steven Tyler).
Not to give Bravo a free plug, but tune in next week at 9 because these ladies have landed themselves a weekly post.
‘til next time.
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