Sunday, July 12, 2009

Let Wedding Season Begin

In the next month and a half I will be in:

New York
Columbus again

Bachelorette Party
Vacation (thank god)

So, it's the best time in Chicago, Summertime, and I'll be missing the last month or so. Am I mad? No. Do I love my friends and family and would I travel to wherever to celebrate their wedded bliss? Yes. But, am I a bit frantic about how I'll fit how busy I am at work into the equation and how much $$$ I'll be out by the end of this all? Yes. 

We're at that age, everyone's beginning to take that leap and I'm so happy yet, ugh, are my summers for the next 3 years going to revolve around weddings? My sister, two years older, has/had 6 weddings this year. Puts a lot in perspective considering my bitching about 4. So, I guess I'm just going to have to man up and realize how lucky I am to have so many great friends that want me to share their big day with them. Happy, happy, joy, joy.

One thought though...can someone have a destination wedding sometime soon? Wouldn't so much mine the bridesmaids dress, hotel cost, etc. if it were in the Bahamas. 

Also, I'd like to think of this post as a warning: with my upcoming schedule this blog will have to take even more of a backseat than it's taken this month, which is bad, I know, but think of all the great stories I'll come back with.